Finding proper storage for your vehicles can be problematic, especially when they’re bigger than your daily drivers, or they have a unique shape (such as a travel trailer or hauler). Leaving your favorite “toys” outside all year doesn’t seem like a great idea when they can be easily affected by all Mother Nature has to offer. Even if you have room in a garage, your vehicles still are prone to extreme temperatures, such as heat in the summer and cold in the winter. If you need the best in enclosed & secure storage units near Bothell, look to Toy Garage for all of your vehicle storage needs.
We have over 31,000 square feet of space, with plenty of room for every type of vehicle you can think of. Whether you need to store a car, truck, or SUV or need to store a classic car you want to be kept in pristine condition, we’ve got you covered. We also have storage for other types of vehicles, such as travel trailers or haulers, boats, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and recreational vehicles (RVs). All of our units are climate-controlled, which means that not only will your vehicles not be exposed to the elements, such as wind, rain, ice, sun, sleet, and snow, they’ll also not experience varying temperatures, which could harm them.
All of our units are completely secure and enclosed, and we offer 24/7 access to our storage unit bays, in case you need to pick your vehicle up any time of the day or night. We also offer online bill pay to make your life easier.
For more information about enclosed & secure storage units near Bothell, contact Taylor at (425) 212-1168 or Ty at (425) 272-9564 to learn more about Toy Garage or to book a spot.